Are Variable Message Signs all that good?
Variable message signs are an important element of any dynamic traffic management system. Depending on traffic conditions, these signs can be used to inform and warn as well as offer guidelines to make the life of motorists on highways and roads as well as expressways a little easier. Variable message signs are becoming very successful wherever they are installed. This is because they offer route information to the motorists who also benefit from the warnings as well as special information provided by these signs. Variable message signs can also display toll rates and in this way, they are offering another useful piece of information to motorists.
Do not harm the environment
The nice thing about using variable message signs is that they can be used without doing harm to the environment. Best of all, they are often offered as text signs with different display types including colored and bipolar as well as monochromatic. Variable message signs can be put up anywhere. It is common to see them on highways and they are also often placed near a road junction. Sometimes, you can see them on urban arteries. Most often, they are placed on the side of the road and in a few instances; they are also placed above the road.
Many display options
Variable message signs make use of text as well as graphics to display information. The text or graphics can be displayed in color or in black and white. The most important benefit provided by these signs is their ability to offer different road information under varying conditions. They can be used to inform drivers about different situations like when some construction work is being done or when there is an emergency.
Communicate events
Variable traffic signs are very useful whenever there is a need in cities to communicate an event or activity taking place. They also help to inform drivers about parking availability and they offer travel warnings, which can be displayed in different languages.
LED Displays
Variable message sign displays are normally shown in LED because they are easy to see in different weather conditions. They make use of solar sensors and their brightness can be changed to suit prevailing conditions. These signs can become part of a traffic system either as a stand-alone system or they can be used along with other methods of controlling traffic.
The nice thing about variable message signs is that they are very reliable and they are able to communicate their messages very effectively. Some of these signs can even be powered by solar power. The solar-powered signs can diagnose information and also report any errors back to a central system. They are very energy efficient and are worth every penny spent on them. A single network of these signs is capable of addressing about 250 displays.
The best part about using variable message signs is their information can be auto-sent at scheduled times and dates. If for any reason, the sign does not work properly then the message can be sent to a configured mobile number. Perhaps the best part about using variable message signs is they can be easily accessible and if anything goes wrong, then finding a suitable replacement part is very easy and quick. They are also very efficient and reliable…